Adult rosacea is much more common than childhood rosacea. In fact, the condition often does not appear until someone is age 30 or older. It often gets worse and worse over time. Rosacea causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, including a red face, acne-like bumps on the face, itching or irritation of the skin, and dry or irritated eyes.
Who Gets Adult Rosacea?
Anyone can get rosacea. Women are more likely than men to have rosacea, but symptoms are often more severe in men. Rosacea is also more common in people with fair skin. It also tends to run in families, so if you have a family history of rosacea, you’re more likely to end up with the condition yourself.
What Are Common Symptoms Rosacea Causes?
Symptoms of rosacea may include:
- Blushing easily
- Reddened skin on the face, and sometimes on the neck, back and chest, as well
- Itching or irritated skin
- Prominent, visible blood vessels in the face
- Skin that feels hot and tender
- Small, pus-filled bumps on the face, and sometimes on the neck, back and chest, that resemble acne
- Thickening of the skin tissue, especially on the nose, giving it a bulbous appearance (a condition known as rhinophyma)
- Dry, irritated eyes
People with rosacea often have some, but not all, of these symptoms. Additional symptoms may appear in time, though, and symptoms may worsen without treatment.
What Are Common Rosacea Causes?
No one really knows what causes rosacea. Some think it may be a hereditary condition, but no one knows for sure. However, there are a number of things that often cause symptoms to flare up. Common rosacea triggers include:

- Exposure to sunlight
- Extremes in temperature
- Exposure to wind
- Vigorous exercise
- Hot baths or saunas
- Drinking hot beverages
- Alcohol
- Spicy foods
- Stress
- Certain skincare products
- Certain medications, including steroids and some blood pressure medications
It’s important to understand that these things do not cause rosacea but that they may make your symptoms worse. Avoid them when possible if that is the case. Since most people with rosacea only experience an increase in symptoms after exposure to some of these possible triggers, but not all, you may find it helpful to keep a diary of your symptoms and your exposure to potential triggers in order to determine what things exacerbate your condition.
How is Adult Rosacea Treated?
While there is no cure for rosacea, there are treatments that can help. Getting a treatment can prevent the condition from getting worse, according to the American Dermatology Association. Treatment may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, acne medications, and laser treatments or a procedure called dermabrasion to remove thickened skin. While these treatments are often effective, they carry the risk of side effects, some of them serious, and procedures like dermabrasion can be quite uncomfortable.
Natural Treatments For Adult Rosacea
Some people prefer to try natural treatments for rosacea, which are much less likely to cause side effects or discomfort. Natural remedies for rosacea include tea tree oil, rosehip oil, licorice root extract, emu oil, feverfew, and evening primrose. Some are more effective than others, though.
If you’re looking for a natural treatment for rosacea, we like the Skin Support System from Zenmed. It contains many of the natural remedies mentioned above, like tea tree oil and licorice root extract, along with other botanical ingredients that all work together to relieve symptoms of rosacea naturally. Because it’s made from all-natural ingredients, the risk of side effects is very small. At the same time, it’s highly effective. It’s not a cure for rosacea but it can reduce or even eliminate many of your symptoms. To learn more about the Zenmed Skin Support System, just follow the link.
American Academy of Dermatology: Rosacea