We’d like to show you some cherry angioma pictures to help you recognize and identify the condition. Skin conditions can be scary; people often immediately think of serious conditions like cancer when they see something new or unusual on their skin. It is important to be aware of skin changes, but not all skin growths are signs of serious illness.
We’ll show you some pictures of cherry angiomas so you’ll know what to look for. First, though, we want to remind you that we cannot tell you for certain if you have a cherry angioma or some other skin condition. To get an accurate medical diagnosis, you need to see a licensed health care provider. Our goal is to give you some information to educate you about cherry angiomas and to assist you in being an active participant in your own health care and in making informed decisions. Information provided here is not intended to be a substitute for medical care, however.
So What Do Cherry Angiomas Look Like?
Cherry angiomas are small, benign skin growths that are usually bright red (cherry red) in color. They typically range in size from the size of a pinhead to the size of a pencil eraser. They may be flat or they may stick out from the skin. They may bleed sometimes, especially if they stick out from the skin, because then they may catch on things, causing tears in the skin. People often think cherry angiomas are moles, but moles are not typically bright red.
Cherry angiomas can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly seen on the torso. Often only one is found but sometimes multiple angiomas occur. In those cases, they are sometimes referred to as Campbell de Morgan spots, named after an English physician.
Cherry Angioma Pictures

In these cherry angioma pictures, you can see how the angiomas vary slightly in shape and size. Notice how they are all bright red in color, however.
Cherry angiomas are most often found on the trunk of the body but they can appear anywhere, including on the arms, legs, neck, and face. The condition is most common in adults over the age of 30, but younger people can have cherry angiomas, too.
Campbell de Morgan Spots Picture
In this Campbell de Morgan spots picture, you can see how multiple cherry angiomas look.
Sometimes there are only two or three Campbell de Morgan spots and sometimes there are more. Sometimes they are close together and sometimes they are not.

If You Have a Skin Condition Like That Seen in These Cherry Angioma Pictures, What Should You Do?
If you’re not sure if a skin growth is a cherry angioma or something else, we recommend seeing your doctor find out for sure what you’re dealing with. While cherry angiomas are not usually harmful to your health, some skin conditions, such as melanomas, can be quite serious. It’s important to know what condition you’re experiencing. Doctors can usually diagnose a cherry angioma just by examining the affected area but sometimes a skin biopsy may be needed.
Cherry angiomas often do not require any medical treatment, but if they bleed a lot or if you are concerned about their effect on your appearance, removal is an option. Doctors usually remove angiomas with minor surgical procedures, like excising them, freezing them off, or burning them off. Here is more information about cherry angioma removal.
There are also natural remedies that can reduce inflammation and make cherry angiomas less noticeable, or disappear completely. We like Cherry Angiomas Therapy from Naturasil. Unlike surgical procedures to remove cherry angiomas, it doesn’t cause any pain or discomfort, there is no risk of scarring, and you don’t need to visit a doctor to use Naturasil. To learn more about our preferred remedy for cherry angiomas, just follow the link.