Cutting off skin tags is a common method of removing the small benign growths. Consisting of small flaps of skin connected to the body by a short stem or stalk, skin tags may grow up to half an inch long. They can be found anywhere on the body but are most common under folds of skin, like under the breasts and in the groin areas, as well as on the neck, chest, and eyelids. Anyone can get them but skin tags are most common in women, senior citizens, and obese people.
Skin tags are usually harmless but sometimes doctors recommend removing them. Even if your doctor doesn’t think your skin tags need to be removed, you might want to get rid of them, especially if they are in a highly visible place like on your face or neck.
We’ll tell you when doctors may recommend removing skin tags. There are both pros and cons to cutting them off and we’ll tell you about those. We’ll also tell you about alternatives. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about the best way to remove your skin tags.

When Cutting Off Skin Tags May Be Recommended
Your doctor may recommend cutting off a skin tag if it is in a location where it frequently catches on jewelry or clothing since this can cause irritation, inflammation, and/or pain. It may also cause the skin tag to bleed. Skin tags often bleed very easily.
Your doctor will probably agree to remove a skin tag if you don’t like the way it looks or just wants it removed, even if it is not causing any problems. In some instances, people become very self-conscious about their skin tags and their skin tags may even begin to affect their self-esteem or their ability to interact with others socially. Those are valid reasons for removing skin tags, even if they aren’t causing any medical problems.
Sometimes doctors recommend removing a skin tag and conducting a biopsy. This is typically recommended if a skin tag looks suspicious or has changed in size, shape, and/or color. Skin tags are benign (non-cancerous) growths but if there is a question about whether or not a growth is a skin tag or something more serious, a biopsy is needed in order to make an accurate diagnosis. If it is something more serious, it’s important to catch it as soon as possible. See a doctor if you have a skin growth about which you have questions.
Pros and Cons of Cutting Off Skin Tags
If you have a skin tag that needs to be removed, you should know that cutting it off is only one of many options. There are other ways to remove skin tags. Remember to discuss your options with your doctor if you have any questions about the best method for removing your skin tags.
Having a skin tag cut off is usually a simple procedure that can be done in a doctor’s office. There may be some pain or discomfort involved. Complications are usually minor but can include excessive bleeding and infection. If removal of the skin tag is not medically necessary, your health insurance policy may not cover the procedure and it can be expensive.
Warning: Don’t Try Cutting Off a Skin Tag at Home!
To save money and avoid a trip to the doctor’s office, some people consider cutting a skin tag off themselves, perhaps with scissors or nail clippers. While it might seem simple when a doctor does it, though, it’s not something that’s safe to do yourself at home. Doctors use sterile instruments and sterile surgical techniques. Doing it yourself significantly increases your risk of infection. In addition, cutting skin tags off at home can result in excessive bleeding. We imagine it could be pretty painful, as well!
An Alternative to Cutting Off Skin Tags
Your doctor may offer some alternatives to cutting skin tags off such as freezing them off with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) or burning them off with a special instrument (electrocautery). Risks and benefits are similar to those involved with cutting skin tags off. Those are not your only options, though.
Our preferred alternative method of removing skin tags is a product called H-Skin Tags Formula. Applied topically, it removes skin tags painlessly over a period of a few weeks or less. It contains all-natural ingredients, including homeopathic remedies and essential oils, and is manufactured in the U.S. To learn more about our preferred method of removing skin tags, just follow the link.