Did you know that you can make a homemade wrinkle cream with just a few simple ingredients (which you might even have in your kitchen right now)? You can. It’s quick and easy, too.
We researched and evaluated a number of wrinkle cream recipes and chose three of our favorites to share with you. These homemade wrinkle creams contain ingredients that will moisturize and nourish your skin, so they should help you fight wrinkles.
Not everyone wants to take the time to whip up their own wrinkle cream, but if you’re so inclined, check out these recipes.
Our Three Favorite Homemade Wrinkle Cream Recipes
Banana Yogurt Anti Wrinkle Cream Recipe
Combine one ripe banana (this is a good way to use up some of those bananas that are about to go bad) and two or three tablespoons of plain yogurt (Greek yogurt is especially nice in this recipe, because it’s thicker and creamier than regular yogurt and also a bit higher in nutrients) in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy.
The banana provides plenty of vitamin A, B vitamins, and potassium, which nourish your skin and promote healthy skin cell growth. Along with the banana, the yogurt moisturizes your skin, leaving your face radiant and smooth. This wrinkle cream is suitable for people with all skin types.
To use this homemade wrinkle cream, simply apply it evenly over your face. Relax and allow the banana yogurt wrinkle cream to dry. Then rinse your face well with lukewarm or cool water. Store any leftover wrinkle cream in your refrigerator in a tightly covered dish or jar. Use leftovers within a few days.
Cucumber Mint Wrinkle Cream Recipe
Peel a cucumber and cut it into chunks, removing most of the seeds (don’t worry if some seeds remain). Put the cucumber pieces into a blender with two or three tablespoons of plain yogurt (again, Greek yogurt is a good choice, though any plain yogurt will do) along with a small handful of fresh mint leaves (tear them into small pieces first). Blend until smooth.
The cucumber contains valuable nutrients, including silica, which helps build collagen and reduces wrinkles. The mint is mildly astringent, so this is an especially good anti-wrinkle cream recipe for those with somewhat oily skin. The mint will leave your skin feeling toned and refreshed. As an added benefit, the mint smells invigorating. The yogurt moisturizes your skin, keeping it smooth and youthful-looking.
To use this wrinkle cream, simply apply it evenly over your face. Relax and allow the wrinkle cream to dry. Then rinse your face well with lukewarm or cool water. Store any leftover wrinkle cream in your refrigerator in a tightly covered dish or jar. Use leftovers within a few days.
Papaya Wrinkle Cream Recipe

Peel and seed small papaya. Cut it into small chunks. Put the papaya chunks into a blender with a tablespoon of whole milk (you can use low fat or fat-free milk if that’s all you have on hand, but the fat in whole milk is especially moisturizing and nourishing to your skin). If you don’t have any milk, you could use a tablespoon or two of plain Greek yogurt instead. If you’ve got dry or sensitive skin, add a tablespoon of honey to soothe your skin (local raw honey is particularly nutritious, if you can get it). Blend until smooth.
Enzymes in the papaya etch away the upper layer of your skin, minimizing wrinkles, while alpha-hydroxy acids in the milk promote the production of collagen and clear away dead skin cells (1).
To use this wrinkle cream, simply apply it evenly over your face. Relax and allow the wrinkle cream to dry. Then rinse your face well with lukewarm or cool water. Store any leftover wrinkle cream in your refrigerator in a tightly covered dish or jar. Use leftovers within a few days.
And If You Don’t Want to Make Homemade Wrinkle Cream…
If you prefer to buy a ready-made wrinkle cream containing wholesome ingredients that will nourish and moisturize your skin, we suggest H-Glow. With a unique combination of natural ingredients like green tea extract (which contains antioxidants that help repair damage to your skin) and rosehip oil (which contains essential fatty acids that promote the production of collagen in your skin), it’s easy to use and highly effective wrinkle cream. To find out more about H-Glow and read product reviews, just follow the link.