If you’ve got itchy moles, you’re probably desperate for relief. Moles rarely itch but when they do, they can itch severely, sometimes keeping you awake at night and sometimes causing you to scratch until the mole begins to bleed. We’ll tell you how to deal with moles that itch and how to find relief.
Itchy Moles
An itchy mole may seem like a minor annoyance, but it can actually be rather serious. Rarely, a mole that itches may be a sign of melanoma or skin cancer. Because of that concern, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends seeing a dermatologist (a physician that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the skin) as soon as possible if you have a mole that itches. Don’t panic if you have an itchy mole; most moles, even itchy ones, are not cancerous. But it is something you need to get checked out as soon as possible.
More commonly, an itchy mole will induce scratching and a scratched mole can bleed and become infected. Such an infection could become serious, especially without treatment. If you think a mole might be infected, you need to see your doctor as soon as you can. To learn more about infected moles, follow the link.

Note that the American Academy of Dermatology also recommends seeing a dermatologist as soon as you can if you have a mole that bleeds. Even if you think the reason a mole is bleeding is that you’ve been scratching it, it’s still a good idea to have it checked out by a doctor just to be safe. Here is more about bleeding moles.
Try not to scratch your moles, even if they are very itchy. A scratched mole can easily become infected. If you have trouble not scratching them, try putting an adhesive bandage over the itchy mole to discourage scratching. If you find yourself scratching your moles at night, you might even want to try sleeping with mittens or socks on your hands. Note that this is just a temporary fix until you can get to your doctor to find out what’s making your mole so itchy and figure how to deal with it. No one expects you to wear mittens to bed for the rest of your life!
Are You Sure It’s a Mole That Itches?
It is possible that what seems to be itchy moles may actually be some other type of skin condition. There are a number of skin conditions that resemble moles and it can be difficult to tell them apart. Since moles rarely itch, it is certainly possible you’ve mistaken some other skin problem for moles, especially if you have multiple moles that itch. If you aren’t sure what you’re dealing with, see a doctor for a diagnosis. An experienced dermatologist can often tell if something is a mole or some other skin condition just by looking at it.
Removing Moles That are Itchy
Most moles that itch are benign, meaning they are non-cancerous and harmless. If that’s the case, they do not have to be removed for medical reasons. If your moles frequently itch or otherwise bother you, though, you may wish to have them removed.
Note that while some itchy skin conditions are contagious, moles are not, so you don’t need to seek treatment for them in order to prevent spreading the condition to other people. You may want relief for yourself, however, especially if your itching is severe. If you have moles that become infected due to excessive scratching, having them removed is probably a good idea as well.
Doctors remove moles by cutting or shaving them off. They numb the area prior to the procedure but you may feel some pain afterward. The procedure may leave a scar.
If you prefer, you can remove moles yourself at home with a topical treatment. Topical treatments may take up to a few weeks to work, but they are generally painless and do not leave scars. If you’re not sure if you’re dealing with moles or some other itchy skin condition, though, check with a doctor first to make sure the treatment you want to use will work on your skin condition.
Our Preferred Topical Treatment for Moles
Our preferred topical treatment for removing moles is H-Moles Formula. It contains homeopathic remedies, including Thuja occidentalis and Calendula officinalis, which work together to remove moles painlessly and without scarring in as little as two weeks. It also contains tea tree oil, which helps prevent infection, and lavender essential oil, which soothes itchy irritated skin. Just follow the link to learn more.
AAD: Moles