A vaginal boil can be pretty uncomfortable, being in such a sensitive area, and it can also be embarrassing to talk about a boil in such a personal area. It’s not that uncommon to develop a boil on the vagina or in the groin area, however. Boils are most common in areas where there is some friction or rubbing, like between the legs, and on body areas with hair since ingrown hairs or infected hair follicles often lead to the development of boils.
Get ready for some frank talk here. We’re going to tell you all about boils in the vaginal area, including what you can do to prevent them and what to do if you develop one.
Preventing Boils in The Vaginal Area
Shaving your pubic area can lead to ingrown hairs, which can in turn lead to the development of boils. If you want to shave your pubic area, do it in the shower or bath when the hair is wet, use a very sharp razor and shave in the direction of the hair growth to help prevent ingrown hairs.
You can read more about how to prevent boils.
Treating a Vaginal Boil

Warm compresses can relieve the discomfort of a boil in the genital area and also help speed the healing process. It’s difficult or impossible to put a warm compress on a boil inside the vagina, of course, but it can help with boils on the outer area of the genitals. For a boil inside the vagina, soaking in a warm bath might provide some relief.
If you develop a boil on your vagina, don’t try to squeeze, pop or lance it yourself. It’s not necessary and doing so usually just makes the pain and inflammation worse and it can also spread the infection(1). Most boils will go away within a week or two without doing anything to them.
If you have a boil that’s causing severe pain, if it doesn’t go away after two weeks, if it seems particularly large (it’s difficult to measure a boil in your vagina, but if a boil is wider then two or three fingertips it would be considered pretty large), if you have a fever or other symptoms of illness when you have a boil, or if you repeatedly get boils, you should see your doctor. There’s no need to feel embarrassed about having a vaginal boil. Your doctor has almost certainly seen boils in the genital area before and they are not an indication of poor hygiene or anything like that. You can see either your primary care physician or your gynecologist about a boil on your vagina.
If you need to see your doctor about a boil on the vagina, he or she may prescribe antibiotics or may recommend lancing and draining the boil. If a vaginal boil needs to be lanced and drained, your doctor can give you a local anesthetic first so that the procedure won’t be painful. You can read more about the treatment for boils here.
We also recommend seeing a doctor if you have any skin abnormalities in the genital area and are not sure if they are boils or something else. While sexually transmitted infections don’t cause boils, some cause lumps or growths or sores in the genital area, and it’s important to get treatment for any sexually transmitted infections. You also need to notify your partner or partners if you have a sexually transmitted infection so that they can get tested and treated if necessary.
Recommended Remedy For Boils
We recommend an all-natural remedy for boils. It’s called NZ Country Manuka Oil, and it’s easy to use, even for vaginal boils. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and contains no additives or preservatives. It relieves symptoms of boils, like inflammation and pain, and also promotes healing. To find out more about NZ Country Manuka Oil and read user reviews, just follow the link.
(1)Mayo Clinic: Boils