We’ll show you some pictures of skin tags so you’ll know what they look like and be able to recognize them when you see them. We need to caution you, though, that while skin tags are harmless, some skin growths are not. If you have a skin growth and you’re not sure if it’s a skin tag or something else, see your doctor as soon as possible.
So What Do Skin Tags Look Like?
From the skin tags pictures we’ve included here, you can see that they are small flaps of skin, usually connected to the body by a kind of stem or narrow stalk. They are usually the same color as the rest of the skin or just a little bit darker. Skin tags can grow as long as half an inch, though they are often smaller.
Skin tags typically don’t change much. If you have a skin growth that is changing in size, shape, or color, see your doctor. Skin tags are usually painless so if you have a skin growth that hurts, see your doctor. We suggest seeing your doctor if you have skin tags that bleed frequently, too, especially if they seem to bleed for no reason (skin tags may bleed if you catch them on clothing or jewelry).
Skin tags can be found anywhere on the body. They are most common in places where there are skin folds, like under the breasts, under the arms, and in the groin area. Skin tags are also commonly found on the face, neck, and chest.

Anyone can get skin tags but they most often occur on older people, on women, and on obese people. You may have one skin tag or you may have several. You might have several in the same area or you might have them in different areas. Doctors don’t know what causes skin tags or why some people get them and others don’t. They also don’t know why they appear in different areas of different people.
As you may notice from viewing these pictures of skin tags, they sometimes resemble moles or warts or other types of skin growths, but unlike moles and warts, they are usually the same color as the surrounding skin and they usually stick out more than moles and warts do. If you have any questions about what type of skin growth you have, you should see your doctor or a dermatologist as soon as you can. Skin tags are benign, which means they are not cancerous, but some skin growths may be malignant, or cancerous, or maybe a sign of some other health problem that requires treatment.

Pictures of Skin Tags
These skin tags pictures show you how skin tags can look somewhat different from person to person, depending on the size and location of the skin tag. Remember that you might have a skin tag that looks a little different than those pictured here, but this should give you a good idea of what they typically look like and help you identify skin tags if you have any.
How Do You Get Rid of Skin Tags?
If you have skin growths like those shown in these pictures of skin tags, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. Skin tags usually don’t need to be removed, although sometimes they are in areas where they rub against or catch on clothing or jewelry, and that can be painful or make them bleed. Of course, sometimes people prefer to remove them, especially if they are in highly visible places like on the face, even if they aren’t causing any problems.
If you want to remove skin tags, you have a number of options. Doctors often remove them by cutting them off or freezing them off with liquid nitrogen. Follow these links to learn more about cutting off skin tags or freezing off skin tags.
Some people are reluctant to undergo procedures like cutting or freezing off skin tags, maybe because of the cost (health insurance often won’t cover those procedures if the skin tags aren’t causing a medical problem), maybe because it sounds painful, or maybe both. Fortunately, there are alternatives.
Our Preferred Treatment for Skin Tags
Our preferred treatment for removing skin tags is a natural remedy called H-Skin Tags Formula. Made in the United States from homeopathic remedies and natural essential oils, it’s affordable and effective, removing skin tags gently and painlessly at home. For more information about our preferred treatment for skin tags, just follow the link provided.