A quick internet search turns up numerous suggestions of ways to remove moles yourself, in case you want to get rid of an unsightly mole without making a costly visit to a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Unfortunately, many of the suggestions seem unscientific and unlikely to actually work. For instance, we found suggestions like putting a bit of pineapple on the mole (taping it in place – how messy and sticky does that sound?), putting onion or garlic on the mole (sounds messy and smelly), or applying apple cider vinegar to the mole with a cotton swab. These home remedies won’t hurt you, but they are unlikely to help you, either.
If you’re looking for a way to remove moles yourself, we encourage you to do your research before trying any home remedies. To that end, we’ve done some searching for you and we’ll tell you what we’ve found.
Of course, you can also talk to your doctor about options for mole removal. Unfortunately, many doctors aren’t very familiar with home remedies and natural treatments, so they may encourage you to opt for minor surgery to remove unwanted moles.
How to Remove a Mole Yourself
If you’re not interested in taping pieces of pineapple to your moles, you might consider some of these home remedies.
Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of an Australian tree. It’s used to treat a wide range of skin conditions, including things like warts, ringworm, acne, and athlete’s foot. Tea tree oil is effective at least sometimes against certain types of bacteria and fungi, so it may work as a home remedy for some things. Moles aren’t caused by bacteria or fungi, though. They are simply clusters of highly-pigmented cells. Tea tree oil alone probably won’t get rid of a mole.
Oregano oil – Oregano oil is another natural remedy frequently used to treat skin conditions, including ringworm, athlete’s foot, and eczema. Like tea tree oil, it may be an effective treatment for some skin disorders. However, moles aren’t caused by any type of infection or fungi, so they aren’t really a skin disease or disorder in the sense that things like warts, ringworm, and even acne are. Moles are normal variances on the skin, with the average person having as many as 45 of them. We didn’t find any evidence that oregano oil will get rid of moles.
Grape seed extract – Grape seed extract is high in antioxidants, and taking it significantly increases the number of antioxidants in the blood. Antioxidants help prevent or even reverse skin damage and for that reason, people often take grape seed extract to treat things like wrinkles (more research is needed to determine if it is actually effective against wrinkles or other age-related skin damage). Moles aren’t caused by damage to skin cells, though, and there’s no reason to think that grape seed extract will affect moles.
How Not to Remove Moles Yourself

Don’t try to cut off moles yourself. Doctors typically remove them by cutting them off or shaving them off, but they do it with sterile instruments and are able to suture the resulting wound if necessary. They are also able to inject local anesthetic before cutting off a mole. Trying to cut off a mole yourself is going to be painful and may result in excessive bleeding, infection, and excessive scarring. Sure, those things can all happen if you have the mole removed by a doctor, but complications are much more likely if you try to perform the operation yourself. Don’t do it. Use a safe and effective home remedy or see your doctor discuss surgical options for removing moles instead.
Avoid picking at moles, as well, or trying to squeeze them like you might a pimple (you shouldn’t squeeze or pop pimples, either, by the way). You won’t get rid of moles that way but you might cause them to become infected.
How to Remove a Mole
Our preferred way to remove moles yourself is by applying a topical solution called H-Moles Formula to the moles. Available without a prescription, H-Moles Formula contains a unique combination of homeopathic ingredients and natural essential oils (including tea tree oil) that remove moles painlessly and without leaving scars. It’s by far the most effective home remedy for moles we’ve been able to find. To learn more, just follow the link. Of course, you can also discuss it with your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions.
Additional Reading:
Pictures of Moles – Pictures of common moles, congenital nevi, and cancerous moles.
Itchy Moles – How to deal with moles that are itchy, when to see your doctor.
Mole on Lip – Moles that make you feel very self-conscious or that cause significant distress should be removed. When removal of lip moles is recommended.
Ref: Web MD – Tea Tree Oil Overview
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