We’re going to show you some pictures of moles so you can see what moles typically look like. We’ll also show you some skin cancer moles pictures so you can see what cancerous moles might look like. Remember that it is difficult to diagnose yourself based on some photos, though. If you have questionable skin growth, please consult your physician. Don’t take any chances with something that might be serious, like skin cancer.
Pictures of Moles
Moles can appear on any part of the body. Most are small and brown in color. While some are darker brown and some are lighter brown, the color is usually even throughout the entire mole. Sometimes moles appear pink or red in color, but spots or growths on the skin that are red are often other types of skin growths, such as cherry angiomas, rather than moles. Sometimes one or more hairs grow out of moles.
Notice how most of the moles pictured here are symmetrical – both sides are the same. Also, the edges are usually regular or smooth. Moles do vary in size and shape, however.
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Doctors often refer to moles that look like these as common moles. They are usually benign, or non-cancerous. If you have any questions or concerns, though, you should consult a physician. If you have a mole that looks like a common mole but has recently changed in size or shape, see your doctor.
Pictures of Moles on Children
Most moles develop during childhood or adolescence, although they can develop during adulthood. While most moles are small in size, sometimes babies are born with large moles, known as congenital nevi. According to the Mayo Clinic, these moles are more than two inches in diameter, and infants born with such moles are at greater risk for skin cancer, although even these moles are most often benign.
Here you can see what one of these moles might look like. If your baby or child has any usual-looking moles or growths on his or her skin, be sure to ask your pediatrician about it.

Skin Cancers Moles Pictures
Here are some pictures of moles that may be cancerous. See how some are asymmetrical – the sides don’t match? Some have irregular borders or edges that appear to have notches in them. Some have uneven coloring. Some may appear red or pinkish in color. Some have many different colors. Some appear irritated or like they’ve been bleeding or have scabbed over. Doctors often refer to moles that look like this as atypical or dysplastic moles.
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It’s important to understand that not all moles that look like these are cancerous or pre-cancerous. In fact, most moles, including ones that look like those shown here, are completely harmless. Any mole that looks like these atypical pictures of moles should be examined by a doctor, though, just to be safe. Your doctor will probably want to biopsy the area in order to make sure there are no cancer cells present. It is not possible to determine for sure whether a mole is cancerous or not just by looking at it.
Keep in mind the fact that moles do vary widely in size, shape, and color. You may have a mole that doesn’t look much like any of those pictured here. There are also a number of other types of skin growths that sometimes resemble moles, including warts, skin tags, and cherry angiomas. Therefore you could have a skin growth that looks a lot like one pictured here but it may in fact be some other type of growth and not a mole at all. If you have questions about any skin growth, please see your doctor for a diagnosis.
Removing Moles
If you have a typical-looking mole – no signs that it might be something more serious – there is usually no medical reason to have it removed. Sometimes people prefer to have moles removed, though, especially those in highly visible spots, like on the face or hands. Our preferred method of removing moles is a homeopathic formula called H-Moles Formula. Its unique combination of natural ingredients can remove moles in as little as two weeks (it may take a bit longer to remove larger or more stubborn moles). If you have a suspicious-looking mole, you should consult a physician before using any type of home remedy. For most moles, however, H-Moles Formula is an affordable, effective way to remove them at home. For more information, just follow the link.
Mayo Clinic – Complications of Moles